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This agreement shall apply to all boarding or daycare visits by your pet(s) to FloridaWild Veterinary Hospital (“the facility”).
Please initial next to every point to indicate that you have read and understand.
I understand that the facility’s staff are not veterinarians and must follow strict guidelines when administering medication to my pet(s). Medication will be administered according to the dosage prescribed on the medication bottle, and the facility will not deviate from the prescription. All prescriptions must be presented in the original pharmacy container and have a label that includes:
This is a required form for all FloridaWild Veterinary Hospital participants receiving services.
First and foremost, the safety and well-being of your pet(s) is most important to us. Ensuring that your pet remains safe and well cared for is our first responsibility, and as such, we take it very seriously. We do our best to have our pet parents screen for pre-existing health conditions, but some factors may be beyond our control. If a pet appears ill, injured, or exhibits any other behavior that would reasonably suggest that the pet needs medical treatment (including anesthesia) while at our facility or participating in a service that we provide, it is recommended that we provide care as quickly as possible. For that reason, it is a requirement that our pet parents authorize how they would like us to proceed in an emergency situation on this medical release form.
I give full authority to the facility and the facility staff to request and retrieve veterinary medical records for my pet(s), as listed herein, and release Veterinarian from any liability for the release thereof.